Microfluidics and Miniaturization

The special issue on Microfluidics and Miniaturization is becoming a ‘‘trusted veteran’’ in the publication schedule of Electrophoresis. For more than a decade, it has been published towards the end of the year and often comes with the first snow in the countries of the two editors. This year is no exception, and the issue you are reading collects 26 original articles covering Fundamentals, New Technology and Applications of Microfluidic Systems. As microfabrication technology becomes more accessible to interdisciplinary research, it is interesting to see the directions of its practical use. With more than one-third of the papers dealing with Cell Analysis, this issue points to one of the most important applications of microfluidic technology. This trend is also well documented by the two special issues focused on dielectrophoresis, which were published earlier this year. On behalf of the coeditors, it is my pleasure to thank all the contributors as well as the Editor-in-Chief, Ziad El Rassi, for his support. Last but not least, I wish all the best to Jörg Kutter, my Co-Editor, who was getting married at the time of writing of this text. Wishing you joy and happiness, today and always.