국내 아파트 단위주호 평면의 공간 분석- 1966년∼2002년의 서울지역 아파트를 대상으로 -
This study intends to examine changes found in the unit floor plans of the apartments built in Seoul Metropolitan area
from 1966 to 2002. The changes found in the unit floor plans are analyzed in the context of the Space Syntax Model and
compared to the lifestyle and societal changes in Korea. The results of the study indicate the followings ; the unit floor plans
have changed a lot from 3rd period to 4th period ; there is a tendency that design element in large unit such as numbers of
bathrooms and bedrooms, etc. is imitated by small unit ; the unit floor plans of 3LDK apartments have been changing into
the kitchen-dining-centered unit plans, but the unit floor plans of 4LDK apartments have hold down the living-centered unit
plans ; there is a tendency that RRAs of master bedroom of 3LDK and 4LDK apartments have been decreasing.