Rea time betting system of Internet race and the same betting methode

PURPOSE: A system for the real-time betting during a race and a method for Internet-relaying the race by using the system are provided to make the second betting and to modify the betting during the race while checking the position data of each racer together with the moving image of the racer. CONSTITUTION: A camera(1) detects the racing moving image of racers having an ID code and the position coordinates of each racer. A relay server transmits the position coordinates to a user terminal(8) by receiving the position coordinates and processing the position coordinates of the racer by each ID code. The relay server comprises a database server(102), a betting server(104) storing a betting rule, a position information server(106) processing and storing the position information of each racer, and an image server(108) storing the moving image of the racer received from the camera. The database server stores a user ID number and the ID code of each racer and transmits the information stored in the image server and the position information server to the user terminal simultaneously if the user ID number is confirmed.