Recently the question of standard completeness of MTL and its extensions were deeply studied. Jenei and Montagna showed that MTL logic satisfies standard completeness theorem (see [6]). In [2], the authors studied standard completeness of ΠMTL which is an axiomatic extension of MTL logic where the conjunction is interpreted by a left-continuous cancellative t-norm. They showed that ΠMTL logic is standard complete w.r.t. all ΠMTL-chains whose underlying sets are rational numbers from the unit interval, i.e. [0, 1] ∩ Q. However, they were not able to extend this result to the whole unit interval [0, 1]. Thus if we want to solve this problem we have to understand the structure of ΠMTL-chains and also left-continuous cancellative t-norms more deeply. This paper is a step in this direction. It contributes to the study of the structure of such chains. As a byproduct, we also characterize a rel-
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Positively Ordered Semigroups
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Monoidal t-norm based logic: towards a logic for left-continuous t-norms
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A Proof of Standard Completeness for Esteva and Godo's Logic MTL
Stud Logica.