Precise Stress Control of Ta Absorber using Low Stress Alumina Etching Mask for X-Ray Mask Fabrication

In the stress control of an X-ray mask absorber, the repeatability of control and stability are important. We found that the change in the stress in a Ta film resulting from annealing depends on the oxygen concentration in the film; the magnitude of the stress change is determined by the annealing temperature and time. Using this characteristic of Ta film, we have successfully controlled the stress in the Ta absorber to less than 5 MPa with good repeatability. In our mask fabrication process, Al 2 O 3 film was used as an etching mask. We found that the Al 2 O 3 film prevented the Ta absorber stress from changing in high-temperature atmospheres because the Al 2 O 3 film prevented oxygen diffusion into the Ta film. Utilizing Al 2 O 3 films, we succeeded in preventing changes in Ta absorber stress in the thermal processes after Ta stress control, such as frame bonding and resist baking. Consequently, we were able to precisely control the Ta absorber stress in X-ray masks with good repeatability and stability in a realistic X-ray mask fabrication process.