Intelligent Transportation Systems
Nowadays the quantity of vehicles in the Lithuanian cities is growing very fast. Loading on street intersections, traffic jams, wastingfuel and air pollution is increasing also. There are many ways to solve these problems for example: road widening, increasing number ofpaths, increasing fuel price, improvement of public transport system and creating Intelligent Transportation Systems. Accumulatedenough data for creating road intersection imitation model. Created one road intersection imitation model. Obtained modeling resultsshowed that use of changeable traffic light cycle working parameters we can decrease average car spending time at road intersection upto 35 %. These results we can obtain changing traffic lights working parameters depending on the traffic amount (rush and non-rushhours) and weather conditions (summer – winter). All this data we can get live from intelligent road video surveillance system throughfiber optic network. Ill. 21, bibl. 2 (in Lithuanian; summaries in Lithuanian, English, Russian).