Which Is Plagiarism: Fashion Image Retrieval Based on Regional Representation for Design Protection

With the rapid growth of e-commerce and the popularity of online shopping, fashion retrieval has received considerable attention in the computer vision community. Different from the existing works that mainly focus on identical or similar fashion item retrieval, in this paper, we aim to study the plagiarized clothes retrieval which is somewhat ignored in the academic community while itself has great application value. One of the key challenges is that plagiarized clothes are usually modified in a certain region on the original design to escape the supervision by traditional retrieval methods. To relieve it, we propose a novel network named Plagiarized-Search-Net (PS-Net) based on regional representation, where we utilize the landmarks to guide the learning of regional representations and compare fashion items region by region. Besides, we propose a new dataset named Plagiarized Fashion for plagiarized clothes retrieval, which provides a meaningful complement to the existing fashion retrieval field. Experiments on Plagiarized Fashion dataset verify that our approach is superior to other instance-level counterparts for plagiarized clothes retrieval, showing a promising result for original design protection. Moreover, our PS-Net can also be adapted to traditional fashion retrieval and landmark estimation tasks and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the DeepFashion and DeepFashion2 datasets.

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