Porphyry style copper mineralisation at Black Stockarton Moor, south-west Scotland
Reconnaissance soil sampling within the
catchment of streams containing anomalous
levels of copper in drainage samples led to the
discovery of disseminated copper mineralisation
in the Black Stockarton Moor area of
Galloway, Scotland. Analysis of aeromagnetic
data and of a gravity survey of the area,
previously mapped as an irregular complex of
dykes, suggested that the region was underlain
by laminar bodies of granodiorite. Geological
mapping r evealed the presence of a major
Caledonian multiphase subvolcanic complex
intruding LOvler Palaeozoic turbidi tes, to the
west of the Criffe! granodioritic plutonic
complex. An induced polarisation survey
delineated an arcuate anomaly about 6 km long
and the resul t s of a simultaneous geochemical
soil survey showed a zone with anomalous levels
of copper (> 140 ppm to 5500 ppm) in the
southern part of the area to be essentially
paralle l to the IP anomaly but partially
displaced to the east. A series of three deep
angled drill holes and nine shallow holes
sited on geochemical and geophysical anomalies
confirmed the widespread presence of both veinlet
and disseminated pyrite and copper mineralisation
of the porphyry type.
The Black Stockarton Moor subvolcanic
complex is a composite of minor intrusive rocks,
the ear l iest phase of which, comprising
porphyri te dyke swarms, granodiorite sheet
intrusions, small granodiori te stocks, breccia
pipes, vent agglomerates with plugs of basic
rock and a few basic dykes, predates the
adjacent multiphase Crlffel plutonic complex.
The second phase of subvo lcanic activity postdates
the plutonic rocks and comprises intense
en-echelon s igmoidal swarms of porphyrite dykes
sharply discordant to the earliest phase rocks.
A minor third phase consists of linear
porphyrite dykes closely associated with fault -
Chemical analysis and mineralogical examination
of the borehole material indicates
that regular zonation can be observed in the
style and intensity of both mineralisation
and hydrothermal alteration. This zonation is
regular fr om west to east across the IP and
soil anomalies. A propylitic alteration zone
with the development of chlorite. epidote and
minor sericite in igneous rocks and of calcite ,
quartz, jasperoid, chlorite, amphibole,
epidote and albite in sedimentary rocks occurs
to the wes t . Within this zone hematite
gradually gives way to increasing amounts of
pyrite from west t o east. The propylitic
zone passes into a sericitic alteration zone
where sedimentary rocks are frequently bleached
and igneous rocks pink or orange-coloured
containing secondary quartz, chlorite and
muscovite. Pyrite is most conspicuous within
rocks of the outer sericite zone, the outcrop
of which coincides roughly with the axis of the
IP anomaly. Further east pyrite decreases but
chalcopyrite and bornite with some chalcocite
become relatively conspicuous and copper levels
are the highest attained (in the 400 ppm to
1100 ppm range). save for isolated highly
br·ecciated sections. Chemical zonation shows
relative enrichment in Mn, Zn, As and Pb in
the outer propyli tic zone, Ba in the serid tic
zone and Cu in the inner sericitic zone while
As, Sb and Au are markedly concentrated with
Cu and Mo in isolated brecciated sections