Carnivorous Plants

PROF. SERRANO FATIGATI, of Ciudad Real (Spain), has made some investigations upon two insect-feeding plants which he found during his last excursion to the province of Cordova, and on the general peculiarities of viscous plants during their flowering. The first of these plants is Ononis natrix; it grows at Sierra Palacios. The second appears to be Silene viscosa, and was found on the hill which connects the village of Belmery with the station. The experiments made upon these plants prove that when alive they were both covered abundantly with a viscous fluid, which in Silene was still visible after the specimens had been dried for four months. Prof. Fatigati has observed in several instances that every insect which touches their surface, and remains adherent to them, dies in a very few minutes. Remains of animals in different stages of decomposition may be seen on the plants he possesses.