Structural equation modeling : a second course

Introduction to Series, Ronald C. Serlin Preface, Richard G. Lomax Dedication Acknowledgements Introduction, Gregory R. Hancock & Ralph O. Mueller Part I: Foundations The Problem of Equivalent Structural Models, Scott L. Hershberger Formative Measurement and Feedback Loops, Rex B. Kline Power Analysis in Covariance Structure Modeling, Gregory R. Hancock Part II: Extensions Evaluating Between-Group Differences in Latent Variable Means, Marilyn S. Thompson & Samuel B. Green Using Latent Growth Models to Evaluate Longitudinal Change, Gregory R. Hancock & Frank R. Lawrence Mean and Covariance Structure Mixture Models, Phill Gagne Structural Equation Models of Latent Interaction and Quadratic Effects, Herbert W. Marsh, Zhonglin Wen, & Kit-Tai Hau Part III: Assumptions Nonnormal and Categorical Data in Structural Equation Modeling, Sara J. Finney & Christine DiStefano Analyzing Structural Equation Models with Missing Data, Craig K. Enders Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Techniques with Complex Sample Data, Laura M. Stapleton The Use of Monte Carlo Studies in Structural Equation Modeling Research, Deborah L. Bandalos About the Authors.