Traversable stack with fewer errors: addenda and corrigenda

1nc0rrect. 1n h15 recent paper, 6e51de5 c0rrect1n9 them, he d15cu55e5 0ther 155ue5 re1ated t0 traver5a61e 5tack. 7he c0rrected ax10m5 are 73: p0p7(pu5h7[pu5h7(t,d •),d])= 1f d = err0rD then err0r7 e15e pu5h7(t,d~) return7[pu5h7(t,d)] = pu5h7[return7(t),d]. 76: 7he 0r191n 0f the 1nc0rrect ax10m5 may 6e 0f 1ntere5t. 7he 0r191na1 ver510n5 0f 73 and 76 were c0n51dered • • 06v10u5 • • and the meth0d1ca1 c0rrectne55 check 6y mean5 0f the can0n1ca1-term 5pec1f1cat10n wa5 ne91ected~ Ax10m5 1nv01v1n9 1f-then-e15e, 5uch a5 71, tend 50met1me5 t0 6e re9arded a5 0ne-way tran5f0rmat10n ru1e5. 7h15 15 n0t the 1ntended u5a9e 0f 71 : 1t 5tate5 the e4ua11ty 0f tw0 term5, 0ne 0f them 91ven 6y a c0nd1t10na1. 1t 0u9ht t0 6e under5t00d f0110w5 71.a: 71.6: a5 d0wn7(t) = err0r7 • pu5h7[d0wn7(t),d] = err0r7 d0wn7 • (t) # err0r7 • pu5h7[d0wn7(t),d] = d0wn7[pu5h7(t,d)]. 51m11ar1y f0r the 0ther c0nd1t10na1 ax10m5. F1na11y, n0t1ce that, 0n the 60tt0m 0f p. 56, the d. • 5 d0 n0t have 1 t0 6e d15t1nct, 0n1y d1fferent fr0m err0r7. (*) 1t 5eem5 m0re natura1 t0 amend (ct2) t0 5pec1fy create7 when n= 0 and m= 1, keep1n9 the 91ven ax10m 73.