Studies on the impact of bee pollination on yield and quality of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)

The present study was conducted evaluate the impact of bee pollination on fruit set, yield and quality characters of litchi cv ‘Rose Scented’ at Horticulture Research Centre, Patharchatta, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand) India, during the period 2010–11.The results revealed that maximum fruit setting was recorded under the caged tree (with Apis mellifera boxes) at both initial stage (8.4 fruits/panicle/tree) as well as maturity stage (4.53 fruits/panicle/tree) as compare to completely open tree with 5.8 fruits/panicle/tree at initial stage and 3.73 fruits/panicle/tree at maturity stage, while negligible fruit setting was observed in case of caged tree (without A. mellifera boxes). Thus, the yield per tree was significantly higher in caged tree (with A. mellifera boxes) as compare to completely open tree. The fruit size (3.42cm length, 3.02cm width), fruit weight (21.5g) and TSS (21.9 0B) was found to be higher in trees that were caged with A. mellifera boxes however, the maximum seed weight (3.83 g) and seed size (1.65 cm length, 1.08 cm width) was recorded in completely open trees.