European Ultrahigh-Field Imaging Network for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EUFIND)

The goal of European Ultrahigh‐Field Imaging Network in Neurodegenerative Diseases (EUFIND) is to identify opportunities and challenges of 7 Tesla (7T) MRI for clinical and research applications in neurodegeneration. EUFIND comprises 22 European and one US site, including over 50 MRI and dementia experts as well as neuroscientists.

[1]  Olivier Salvado,et al.  Cerebral quantitative susceptibility mapping predicts amyloid-&bgr;-related cognitive decline , 2017, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[2]  Oliver Speck,et al.  Hippocampal vascularization patterns: A high-resolution 7 Tesla time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography study , 2018, NeuroImage: Clinical.

[3]  G. Perry,et al.  Iron accumulation in Alzheimer disease is a source of redox-generated free radicals. , 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[4]  Max A. Viergever,et al.  Efficient detection of cerebral microbleeds on 7.0T MR images using the radial symmetry transform , 2012, NeuroImage.

[5]  Thomas H. B. FitzGerald,et al.  Widespread age-related differences in the human brain microstructure revealed by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging , 2014, Neurobiology of Aging.

[6]  H. Braak,et al.  Neuropathological stageing of Alzheimer-related changes , 2004, Acta Neuropathologica.

[7]  Kamil Ugurbil,et al.  Imaging at ultrahigh magnetic fields: History, challenges, and solutions , 2017, NeuroImage.

[8]  Hansjürgen Bratzke,et al.  Stages in the development of Parkinson’s disease-related pathology , 2004, Cell and Tissue Research.

[9]  Arjen Lindenholz,et al.  The Use and Pitfalls of Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging: How We Do It. , 2018, Radiology.

[10]  Susan L. Whitfield-Gabrieli,et al.  Conn: A Functional Connectivity Toolbox for Correlated and Anticorrelated Brain Networks , 2012, Brain Connect..

[11]  D. Le Bihan,et al.  Intracortical Infarcts in Small Vessel Disease: A Combined 7-T Postmortem MRI and Neuropathological Case Study in Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy , 2011, Stroke.

[12]  Geert Jan Biessels,et al.  Better and faster velocity pulsatility assessment in cerebral white matter perforating arteries with 7T quantitative flow MRI through improved slice profile, acquisition scheme, and postprocessing , 2017, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

[13]  Geert Jan Biessels,et al.  Vascular reactivity in small cerebral perforating arteries with 7 T phase contrast MRI – A proof of concept study , 2018, NeuroImage.

[14]  Julio Acosta-Cabronero,et al.  In Vivo MRI Mapping of Brain Iron Deposition across the Adult Lifespan , 2016, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[15]  Ferdinand Schweser,et al.  Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Parkinson's Disease , 2016, PloS one.

[16]  Nancy Wentworth,et al.  THE WHOLE , 2020, The Nature of Order, Book 2: The Process of Creating Life.

[17]  Peter C. M. van Zijl,et al.  Simultaneous quantitative susceptibility mapping and Flutemetamol-PET suggests local correlation of iron and β-amyloid as an indicator of cognitive performance at high age , 2018, NeuroImage.

[18]  Oliver Speck,et al.  Prospective motion correction in brain imaging: A review , 2013, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

[19]  Kamil Ugurbil,et al.  An integrative model for neuronal activity-induced signal changes for gradient and spin echo functional imaging , 2009, NeuroImage.

[20]  E. Düzel,et al.  A protocol for manual segmentation of medial temporal lobe subregions in 7 Tesla MRI , 2017, NeuroImage: Clinical.

[21]  Peter Bachert,et al.  Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) and MR Z-spectroscopy in vivo: a review of theoretical approaches and methods , 2013, Physics in medicine and biology.

[22]  Stefan Ropele,et al.  In Vivo High-Resolution 7 Tesla MRI Shows Early and Diffuse Cortical Alterations in CADASIL , 2014, PloS one.

[23]  T. Nojo,et al.  Decreased N-Acetyl Aspartate/Myo-Inositol Ratio in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex Shown by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy May Be One of the Risk Markers of Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease: A 7-Year Follow-Up Study , 2017, Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.

[24]  Thoralf Niendorf,et al.  Brain iron accumulation in Wilson's disease: A longitudinal imaging case study during anticopper treatment using 7.0T MRI and transcranial sonography , 2018, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI.

[25]  T. Scheenen,et al.  Multi‐center reproducibility of neurochemical profiles in the human brain at 7 T , 2015, NMR in biomedicine.

[26]  Mandy M. A. Conijn,et al.  Cerebral Microbleeds on MR Imaging: Comparison between 1.5 and 7T , 2011, American Journal of Neuroradiology.

[27]  Christian Langkammer,et al.  Differential developmental trajectories of magnetic susceptibility in human brain gray and white matter over the lifespan , 2014, Human brain mapping.

[28]  Naftali Raz,et al.  Striatal Iron Content Predicts Its Shrinkage and Changes in Verbal Working Memory after Two Years in Healthy Adults , 2015, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[29]  Stefan Ropele,et al.  Loss of Venous Integrity in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: A 7-T MRI Study in Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) , 2014, Stroke.

[30]  H. Braak,et al.  The preclinical phase of the pathological process underlying sporadic Alzheimer's disease. , 2015, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[31]  Yi Wang,et al.  Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM): Decoding MRI data for a tissue magnetic biomarker , 2014, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

[32]  Jaco J M Zwanenburg,et al.  Targeting Cerebral Small Vessel Disease With MRI. , 2017, Stroke.

[33]  Bostjan Likar,et al.  A Review of Methods for Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity in MRI , 2007, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.

[34]  Eung Yeop Kim,et al.  Diagnosis of Early-Stage Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease Using High-Resolution Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Combined with Histogram Analysis in the Substantia Nigra at 3 T , 2017, Journal of clinical neurology.

[35]  Murray Grossman,et al.  Stages of pTDP‐43 pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , 2013, Annals of neurology.

[36]  Peter Riederer,et al.  The relevance of iron in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease , 2011, Journal of neurochemistry.

[37]  Geert Jan Biessels,et al.  Quantification of deep medullary veins at 7 T brain MRI , 2016, European Radiology.

[38]  C. Ranganath,et al.  Functional subregions of the human entorhinal cortex , 2015, eLife.

[39]  Klaus Scheffler,et al.  Signal‐to‐noise ratio and MR tissue parameters in human brain imaging at 3, 7, and 9.4 tesla using current receive coil arrays , 2016, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

[40]  Frank Jessen,et al.  In vivo MRI assessment of the human locus coeruleus along its rostrocaudal extent in young and older adults , 2017, NeuroImage.

[41]  Jeff H. Duyn,et al.  Iron Accumulation in Deep Cortical Layers Accounts for MRI Signal Abnormalities in ALS: Correlating 7 Tesla MRI and Pathology , 2012, PloS one.

[42]  Alexis Amadon,et al.  Homogeneous non-selective and slice-selective parallel-transmit excitations at 7 Tesla with universal pulses: A validation study on two commercial RF coils , 2017, PloS one.

[43]  Gilles J. Guillemin,et al.  The Potential for Transition Metal-Mediated Neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , 2014, Front. Aging Neurosci..

[44]  Geert Jan Biessels,et al.  Detection, risk factors, and functional consequences of cerebral microinfarcts , 2017, The Lancet Neurology.

[45]  Theresa M. Harrison,et al.  Entorhinal Tau Pathology, Episodic Memory Decline, and Neurodegeneration in Aging , 2017, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[46]  Bruce Fischl,et al.  Within-subject template estimation for unbiased longitudinal image analysis , 2012, NeuroImage.

[47]  M. Yașargil,et al.  Microsurgical anatomy of the hippocampal arteries. , 1993, Journal of neurosurgery.

[48]  Haruhiko Akiyama,et al.  Rate of cell death in parkinsonism indicates active neuropathological process , 1988, Annals of neurology.

[49]  C. Jack,et al.  NIA-AA Research Framework: Toward a biological definition of Alzheimer’s disease , 2018, Alzheimer's & Dementia.

[50]  I D Wilkinson,et al.  Motion artifacts in standard clinical setting obscure disease-specific differences in quantitative susceptibility mapping , 2018, Physics in medicine and biology.

[51]  H. Heinze,et al.  Laminar activity in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex related to novelty and episodic encoding , 2014, Nature Communications.

[52]  M. Tosetti,et al.  Magnetic susceptibility in the deep layers of the primary motor cortex in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , 2016, NeuroImage: Clinical.

[53]  Matthew J. Betts,et al.  The whole-brain pattern of magnetic susceptibility perturbations in Parkinson’s disease , 2017, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[54]  William J. Jagust,et al.  Comparison of multiple tau-PET measures as biomarkers in aging and Alzheimer's disease , 2017, NeuroImage.

[55]  Guy B. Williams,et al.  In Vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Alzheimer's Disease , 2013, PloS one.

[56]  Peter R Luijten,et al.  Imaging Intracranial Vessel Wall Pathology With Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Current Prospects and Future Directions , 2014, Circulation.

[57]  P. R. Luijten,et al.  Assessment of blood flow velocity and pulsatility in cerebral perforating arteries with 7‐T quantitative flow MRI , 2015, NMR in biomedicine.

[58]  Hans-Jochen Heinze,et al.  Quantitative Susceptibility MRI to Detect Brain Iron in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. , 2018, Radiology.

[59]  Martin J. Chadwick,et al.  Big-Loop Recurrence within the Hippocampal System Supports Integration of Information across Episodes , 2018, Neuron.

[60]  Kenneth Rockwood,et al.  Advances in High-Field Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Alzheimer’s Disease , 2014, Current Alzheimer research.

[61]  J. Connor,et al.  Regional distribution of iron and iron‐regulatory proteins in the brain in aging and Alzheimer's disease , 1992, Journal of neuroscience research.

[62]  Wolfgang Bogner,et al.  The traveling heads: multicenter brain imaging at 7 Tesla , 2016, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.