DrugViz: a Cytoscape plugin for visualizing and analyzing small molecule drugs in biological networks

SUMMARY DrugViz is a Cytoscape plugin that is designed to visualize and analyze small molecules within the framework of the interactome. DrugViz can import drug-target network information in an extended SIF file format to Cytoscape and display the two-dimensional (2D) structures of small molecule nodes in a unified visualization environment. It also can identify small molecule nodes by means of three different 2D structure searching methods, namely isomorphism, substructure and fingerprint-based similarity searches. After selections, users can furthermore conduct a two-side clustering analysis on drugs and targets, which allows for a detailed analysis of the active compounds in the network, and elucidate relationships between these drugs and targets. DrugViz represents a new tool for the analysis of data from chemogenomics, metabolomics and systems biology. AVAILABILITY DrugViz and data set used in Application are freely available for download at