Proper references is a matter of scholarship, ethics, and courtesy

This issue contains two papers on testing of special‐purpose software. Systematic testing of actor systems, by Elvira Albert, Puri Arenas, and Miguel Gómez‐Zamalloa, presents ideas for testing concurrent systems. In particular, instead of testing all possible interleavings, the technique prunes the states that are explored to reduce unneeded non‐determinism. (Recommended by Yves Le Traon.) Verifying OSEK/VDX automotive applications: A Spin‐based model checking approach, by Haitao Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Zhuo Cheng, and Jinyun Xue, presents a use of model checking to verify automotive software. (Recommended by Shaoying Liu.) Conferences often have associated workshops, some quite successful. For example, the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation hosts several workshops every year. Unfortunately, this habit has encouraged the proliferation of a type of bad scholarship. Consider the following workshop paper: