Market for advanced humanitarian mine detectors

Uncleared landmines and unexploded ordnance remain a major humanitarian and economic threat in over 60 countries. It is estimated that world wide over US 60 million was spent on mien clearance in 1999. Most of this funding is provided by government aid, often channeled via the UN or European Community. The minefield threat is very varied, with many different types of mien, UXO, terrain and climate type. To cope with this variety a range of demining techniques are used: mechanical techniques such as flails are used for vegetation clearance, however the majority of demining work is still carried out by manual deminers using metal detectors and prodders. Over the last 5 years there has been considerable interest within the scientific and engineering communities in the application of advanced technologies to improve the safety and efficiency of this work. Nevertheless few new products have been introduced into, and accepted by, the demining community. Despite the high political profile of the landmine problem very little e hard dat is available on the real characteristics of the demining equipment market. As part of a European Union supported program to evacuate a multi-sensor handheld mien detector concept, Thales and ERA Technology Ltd have carried out an in-depth assessment of this market. This paper describes the cost- benefits that could accrue to the demining community associated with use of advanced equipment under appropriate conditions and the equipment requirements that result. The dynamics of the demining equipment market and the barriers to entry are discussed.