Safety early warning method of bus at bus stop in vehicle Internet based environment

Based on the bus at the bus station security warning method for a vehicle comprising a vehicle networking intelligent terminal, and the base transit roadside safety information service center, the vehicle includes a vehicle intelligent terminal networking environment: an information collection module for using a positioning system, a sensor and the microprocessor obtains the vehicle running information; wireless communication module, the vehicle information system for public transportation and security information center a unidirectional or bidirectional communication system; information processing module, for processing data from the database and the vehicle communication system, and using geographic information system technology, provides the human interface to the driver; security status determination module, configured in accordance with the result of information processing modules, and determines the security status on the vehicle to receive commands of an electronic control unit; alarm module for according to the results of the security state discrimination module will get hazard warning information release. The present invention realization of intelligent security early warning, effective elimination of security risks.