Wh-Scope Marking

1. Introduction (by Lutz, Uli) 2. Wh-Scope Marking: Direct vs. Indirect Dependency (by Beck, Sigrid) 3. Scope Marking and Calusal Typing (by Brandner, Ellen) 4. Moving Just the Feature (by Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen) 5. Partial Wh-Movement: Evidence from Malay (by Cole, Peter) 6. On the Wh-Expletive Was in German (by d'Avis, Franz-Josef) 7. Scope Marking: Cross-Linguistic Variation In Indirect Dependency (by Dayal, Veneeta) 8. Towards a Minimalist Theory of Wh-Expletives, Wh-Copying, and Successive Cyclicity (by Fanselow, Gisbert) 9. Towards a Superior Account of Superiority (by Haider, Hubert) 10. The W-... W- Construction: Appositive or Scops Indicating? (by Hohle, Tilman N.) 11. On the Syntax of "Wh-Scope Marker" Constructions: Some Comparative Evidence (by Horvath, Julia) 12. Towards a Unified Treatment of Wh-Expletives in Hindi and German (by Mahajan, Anoop K.) 13. Absolute and Relative. On Scope in German Wh-Sentences, W- ... W-Constructions Included (by Pafel, Jurgen) 14. On the Parenthetical Features of German. Was... W-Constructions and How to Account for them (by Reis, Marga) 15. Partial Wh-Movement and the Typology of Wh-Questions (by Sabel, Joachim) 16. Partial Wh-Movement, Scope marking, and Transparent Logical Form (by Stechow, Arnim von) 17. Index