Elasticity of Factorization in Number Fields

Introduction De…nition A Dedekind domain O is an integral domain, which is Noetherian, integrally closed, and of dimension 1. De…nition Let O be a ring and K its quotient …eld. A fractional ideal of O in K is an O-module a contained in K such that there exist an element d 2 Onf0g for which da O. Theorem 1. If O is a Dedekind domain, then every ideal of O can be uniquely factored into prime ideals, and the non-zero fractional ideals form a group under multiplication, I (O). De…nition Let O be a Dedekind domain and K its quotient …eld. Let ' : K ! I (O) be de…ned by ' (u) = uO. De…ne P (O) = Im' to be the group of principal fractional ideals of O. The ideal class group of O is de…ned to be Cl (O) = I (O) =P (O) and the class number of O is hO = jCl (O)j. When O is clear from context, we shall omit reference to O and simply use Cl; I; P; and h. In particular, we have the short exact sequence, 1 ! P ! I ! Cl ! 1: