Casting Defect Analysis and Optimization Using Computer Aided Casting Simulation Technique

The casting defect analysis and optimization using computer aided casting simulation technique plays vital role in manufacturing of metal parts and determining various casting defects. In pressure die casting, we require a quality die to prevent unfilled phenomena, weld lines, deflection and air traps and provide two overflows for filling thin section of existing part. The gating system is very critical to a die-casting die, but designing the gating system is an iterative process that can be very time-consuming and costly. The aim of this work is, (a) to identifying the best gate location for the component taking into consideration the flow balance and to avoid differential Clamp force and pressure, (b) to optimize the model of gate location, (c) Study the causality of the defects arrive and their solutions, (d) commenting on simulation results and selecting best suitable gate design for manufacturing the final part and (e) to validate the proposed approach.