Hierarchical Integrated Intelligent Logistics System Platform

In the paper the original proposal of HIILS platform for the wide spectrum of the City Logistics problems was presented. This platform is an option of ILS multi-layer integrated logistic system with management and coordination, adaptation, optimization and scheduling, monitoring and intelligent supervision, direct control layers dedicated to dynamic, stochastic, multi-criteria intelligent logistics decision problems. As an illustrative example the real-time VRP-TW (Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem with Time Windows) problem was selected. In this example the HIILS upper layers offer the context-related real-time updating network specifications that stimulates the adequate routing parameters updating at optimization layer. At the bottom dispatching control layer the well known DISCON (Dispatching CONtrol) method from public transport was adopted to logistics applications with actual routing treated as obligatory reference schedule to be stabilized. The intelligence aspects are related among others to context-related trade-offs between routing modifications and corrective dispatching control capabilities e.g. priority or route guidance actions.