Health care and ICT, partnership is a must
This article comments on the article 'Health Care in the Information Society; A Prognosis for the Year 2013' by Reinhold Haux et al. It is emphasised that besides the driving forces as identified in that article, the changes in the composition of the population will lead to a structural shortage of health professionals. So, despite the willingness of both individual patients and the society as a whole to pay more for health care no significant change will occur in the percentage of the gross domestic product spent on health care. By consequence we can not meet the challenges health care is facing by 'more of the same'. New forms of health care delivery have to be invented and implemented that lead to higher efficiency. The question is discussed whether health care is lagging behind other sectors of society in the application of ICT, the answer to that question is negative. It is explained why the percentage of the budget spent on ICT is no valuable yardstick. Comments are made to the quantitative expectations of Haux et al. Finally it is recommended that IMIA takes the initiative to organise in co-operation with international associations of health professionals a multidisciplinary working conference on the future role of ICT in health care.