Readings in Strategic Management
Introduction - Preface - PART 1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESSES - Of Strategies Deliberate and Emergent H. Mintzberg & J.H. Waters - Managing Strategic Change? J.B. Quinn - Rethinking Incrementalism G. Johnson - Paralysis by Analysis: Is Your Planning System Becoming too Rational? R.T. Lenz & M.A. Lyles - Strategic Planning for the World Wildlife Fund G.J. Medley - Corporate Strategy and the Small Firm S. Birley - PART 2 STRATEGY FORMULATION/INTRODUCTION - Does Strategic Planning Improve Company Performance? G. Greenley - Business Policy Formulation: Understanding the Process R. McLellan & G.Kelly - Whatever Happened to Environmental Analysis? J.Engledow & R.T. Lenz - How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy M.E. Porter - Portfolio Planning: Uses and Limits P. Haspeslagh - Defining Corporate Strengths and Weaknesses H. Stevenson - The Risky Business of Diversification R. Biggadike - Assessing Opportunities for Diversification: an analytical approach M. Younger - An Introduction to Divestment: The Conceptual Issues J. Coyne & M. Wright - End Game Strategies for Declining Industries K.R. Harrigan & M.E. Porter - From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy M.E. Porter - The Use of Corporate Planning Models: Past, Present and Future J.K. Shim & R. McGlade - Business Ethics: Two Introductory Questions T. Sorell - Strategy and Ethics: Pilkington PLC T. Sorell - PART 3 MANAGING STRATEGIC CHANGE/INTRODUCTION - Choosing Strategies for Change J.P. Kotter & L.A. Schlesinger - Strategy Implementation Versus Middle Management Self Interest W.D. Guth & I.C. MacMillian - The Structuring of Organisations H. Mintzberg - Configurations of Strategy and Structure: Towards a Synthesis D. Miller - Evolution and Revolution as Organisations Grow L.E. Greiner - Successfully Implementing Strategic Decisions L.D. Alexander - Strategic Control: An Overview of the Issues D. Asch - The Nature and use of Formal Central Systems for Management Control and Strategy Implementation R.L. Daft & N.B. MacIntosh