RGB optical parametric oscillator source for compact laser projection displays
A compact and efficient laser source is required as an enabling technology for laser projection displays. We discuss a scalable green-pumped, non-critically phase-matched LBO optical parametric oscillator (OPO) which simultaneously generates red and blue wavelengths that are ideal for display applications. Pumping the OPO with 9.6 W of 523 nm green light from a frequency-doubled, diode-pumped Nd:YLF oscillator/amplifier laser system has resulted in a measured 3.6 W of 896 nm signal power and an estimated idler power of 2.6 W. The signal was extra-cavity frequency doubled to produce 0.65 W of blue light at 448 nm. Intra-cavity frequency doubling of the idler produced 1.66 W of red light at 628 nm.