3D shape measurement influencing factors

This paper presents a comparison of nondestructive measurement methods which are suitable for determination of the complete or partial shape and de-formations of real mechanical structures. First part of this paper presents a short overview and the major differences between the existing measurement methods together with theoretical principles of sensors currently available in Croatia. The comparison was based on the analysis of the active optical pro-jection based methods that define relative position of the measurement point by means of coherent and non-coherent structured light projection, as well as the active contact methods that define measurement point position by means of a direct physical contact with the surface of measurement object. For each of mentioned measurement methods internal and external influencing factors were defined. It is shown that the advantages and disadvantages have to be observed with respect to various aspects ; like sensor types, method applica-tion, data acquisition conditions, measurement range, object reflectance, automation, accuracy, spatial resolution, method maturity, measurement planning and overall measurement costs. Second part of this paper, based upon the introduced influence factors, briefly presents the experimental verification of presented theory by com-parative measurement of the actual industrial problem: saddle form surface design with burr line extraction on the raw aluminum model of a steering wheel. Measurements were conducted on the currently available digitizers: non-coherent structured light sensor "Atos", laser senzor Cyberware Mini-model Shop 3030/HIREZ/MM, and a contact probe system Ferranti Merlin 750. The achieved results justify introduced theoretical comparison based on the influence of internal and external parameters. It is shown that the wide basis of possible internal and external influencing factors require multidisciplinary approach to the comparison of each methods together with the associated measurement sensors.