Effect of moisture and crushing strength on tablet friability and in vitro dissolution.

The friability and dissolution of a formulation of compressed tablets were studied by varying the granulation moisture and tablet crushing strength. A general quadratic response surface model was used to analyze the data. The response surface contour plots of tablet friability consisted of a series of ellipsoidal curves. The optimum friability corresponding to a granulation moisture content and a tablet crushing strength was a simple minimum. The in vitro dissolution contour plots showed a stationary ridge system. Along the ridge, a large number of combinations of tablet crushing strength and granulation moisture represented 100% drug dissolution. The contour overlays of friability and dissolution contour plots showed a region where both the friability and dissolution requirement could be met. The analysis of the data by means of multiple linear regression was helpful in understanding the role of granulation moisture and tablet crushing strength on tablet friability and in vitro dissolution.