Heloise - A Reengineering of Ariane-G5 SLLPs for Application to π-languages

Heloise is a reengineering of the specialised langu ges for linguistic programming (SLLPs) of Ariane-G5 running both Linux and Windows. Heloise m akes the core of Ariane-G5 available to anyone willing to develop “expert” (i.e. relying on linguistic expertise) operational machine translation (MT) systems in that framework, used wi th success since the 80’s to build many prototypes and a few systems of the “multilevel tra nsfer” and “interlingua” architecture. This initiative is part of the movement to reduce the di gital divide by providing easily understandable tools that allow the development of lingware for po orly-resourced languages ( π-languages). This paper shows how Heloise can contribute to the democ ratisation of quality MT, describes some technical aspects of it, and provides elements of c omparison with Ariane-G5.