ESBM: An Entity Summarization BenchMark

Entity summarization is the problem of computing an optimal compact summary for an entity by selecting a size-constrained subset of triples from RDF data. Entity summarization supports a multiplicity of applications and has led to fruitful research. However, there is a lack of evaluation efforts that cover the broad spectrum of existing systems. One reason is a lack of benchmarks for evaluation. Some benchmarks are no longer available, while others are small and have limitations. In this paper, we create an Entity Summarization BenchMark (ESBM) which overcomes the limitations of existing benchmarks and meets standard desiderata for a benchmark. Using this largest available benchmark for evaluating general-purpose entity summarizers, we perform the most extensive experiment to date where 9 existing systems are compared. Considering that all of these systems are unsupervised, we also implement and evaluate a supervised learning based system for reference.

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