Investigating bookmarking habits of blind users

To easily revisit websites of interest, users typically use the browser's bookmarking feature. Due to technological barriers to access the web, however, the blind and visually impaired users make a little use of this feature. To further investigate such claim, we conducted a survey with 12 blind and visually impaired K-12 students. The results of the interview show that students have no or limited use of the bookmarking service. The main reason is found to be the small number of websites they visit, thus not having the need to bookmark them. Another reason is the difficulty to create and also access the created bookmarks. An interesting result from the survey is that blind and visually impaired like to share the websites they use. To take advantage of this, we propose a solution that will combine the bookmarking and sharing features using a "bag" metaphor, which enriched with non-speech sounds, could encourage blind and visually impaired students browse larger number and more diverse websites.