Valuation of Forestry in Selected Dryland Areas of West Bengal: A Contingent Valuation Approach

The paper attempts to consider the valuation of forest resources using contingent valuation method in the dryland areas of West Bengal. The issue is important as forestry plays a pivotal role so far as dependency on natural resources by the forest-fringe dwellers (the major stakeholders) in the dryland regions of the state is concerned. Both ‘dichotomous-choice type’ closed ended and open ended cases are considered to examine the willingness to pay by the forest-fringe dwellers to conserve forests in the dryland areas. It has been estimated that the average willingness to pay by the poverty-stricken forest dwellers for the above-mentioned purpose is ` 9.62 per month. Given that the stakeholders are poor, the amount of willingness to pay (though low) shows the willingness of the stakeholders to conserve forests as they cannot survive without it. JEL Classification: Q20, Q23 and Q51