This article brings to light a topic that surfaces regularly among technical writing practitioners and theorists but is rarely addressed in the literature of the field. Stuart Selber deals with it in his 1997 essay "Hypertext Spheres of Influence" (see especially page 30), but a check of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) Bibliography for the last two years produced only one recent article obviously devoted to it (see Mitra). The topic centers around this question: Is teaching technology problematic for technical writing instructors? Voices are heard here of 64 ATTW members who were queried on their roles as teachers of technical writing in relation to the demands made upon them to also be teachers of technology skills. Answers are presented and examined in terms of "teacher lore," the informal sharing of teacher experiences and opinion/feeling about those experiences. The article concludes with a call for more research to clarify the roles teachers of technical writing should be playing in an age where technological determinism—shown by a tendency to turn a technical communication course into a software tools course—can be seen as a threat to effective teaching of complex workplace rhetoric.
Stephen M. North,et al.
The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field.
Stuart A. Selber.
Computers and Technical Communication: Pedagogical and Programmatic Perspectives
Kathy L. Tyner.
Literacy in a digital world
Richard L. Venezky,et al.
Toward Defining Literacy
Cynthia L. Selfe,et al.
Literacy and computers: The complications of teaching and learning with technology
Lee-Ann K Breuch,et al.
Thinking Critically about Technological Literacy: Developing a Framework to Guide Computer Pedagogy in Technical Communication
Ananda Mitra,et al.
Changes in Attitudes toward Computers and Use of Computers by University Faculty.
Christine M. Neuwirth,et al.
Writing the technology that writes us: Research on literacy and the shape of technology
Stuart A. Selber,et al.
Beyond skill building: Challenges facing technical communication teachers in the computer age