Examining school context and its influence on teachers: linking Talis 2013 with PISA 2012 student data

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has linked data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) of teachers of 15-year-old students with school-level data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a survey of 15-year-old students. The purpose of this study is to present an exploratory analysis of the combined TALIS-PISA data by examining the relationship of school-level student measures to teacher outcomes. In other words, this paper examines how student factors in a school may influence teachers’ work, their attitudes, and their perceived needs for support. Survey responses were collected from teachers and students in eight countries. Data from 26 610 teachers were combined with student measures, aggregated by school, from 103 077 students. Regression, hierarchical linear and multilevel models were used to analyse the data. Teacher outcomes that were modelled included professional development, collaboration, and self-efficacy. Student measures included attitudes about math and school, PISA math achievement, and Economic, Social and Cultural Status (ESCS). Interactions involving teacher measures such as gender and years of experience crossed with student outcomes were examined. Separate models for mathematics teachers were also explored. Findings varied dramatically across countries, and many significant differences were found between male and female teachers as well as between mathematics and all teachers. The paper concludes with practical implications of the research. L’Organisation de Cooperation et de Developpement Economiques (OCDE) a rapproche les donnees de l’Enquete internationale sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage (TALIS), menee aupres d’enseignants ayant des eleves de 15 ans, de celles recueillies dans les etablissements aupres d’eleves âges de 15 ans dans le cadre du Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA). Cette etude a pour but de presenter une analyse exploratoire des donnees combinees de TALIS-PISA en examinant le lien qui existe entre les reponses des eleves au niveau des etablissements et celles des enseignants. En d’autres termes, le present document examine comment les facteurs lies aux eleves dans un etablissement peuvent influencer la pratique professionnelle des enseignants, leurs attitudes et l’aide dont ils estiment avoir besoin. Les reponses aux enquetes ont ete recueillies aupres d’enseignants et d’eleves dans huit pays. Les donnees relatives a 26 610 enseignants ont ete associees aux reponses fournies par 103 077 eleves et regroupees par etablissement. Des modeles de regression, des modeles lineaires hierarchiques et des modeles multiniveaux ont ete utilises pour analyser les donnees. Parmi les indices des enseignants qui ont ete modelises figuraient le developpement professionnel, la collaboration et l’efficacite personnelle. Les indices des eleves portaient notamment sur les attitudes vis-a-vis des mathematiques et de l’ecole, les resultats PISA en mathematiques, et le statut economique, social et culturel (SESC). Ont egalement ete examinees les interactions entre les donnees relatives aux enseignants, comme le sexe et les annees d’experience, et les resultats des eleves. Des modeles distincts pour les professeurs de mathematiques ont egalement ete etudies. Les resultats etaient tres differents d’un pays a l’autre, et de nombreux ecarts importants ont ete observes entre les enseignants et les enseignantes mais aussi entre les professeurs de mathematiques et les autres. Pour conclure, le document expose les implications pratiques de ces travaux de recherche.

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