Construction of S8 Liu J S-boxes and their applications

In this paper, we present a method for the construction of 8x8 substitution boxes used in the area of cryptography. A symmetric group permutation S"8 is applied on Galois field elements that originally belong to GF(2^8), and as a consequence, 40320 new substitution boxes are synthesized. The Liu J substitution box is used as a seed in the creation process of the new algebraically complex nonlinear components. The core design of this new algorithm relies on the symmetric group permutation operation which is embedded in the algebraic structure of the new substitution box. We study the characteristics of the newly created substitution boxes and highlight the improved performance parameters and their usefulness in practical applications. In particular, we focus on the nonlinear properties and the behavior of input/output bits and determine the suitability of a particular substitution box for a specific type of encryption application. A comparison with some of the prevailing and popular substitution boxes is presented.