Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul statistika berbasis qr code dan melatih high order thinking skills mahasiswa. Rancangan penelitian berupa penelitian pengembangan dengan model A-D-D-D-I-E, yaitu observasi dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan pengembangan produk, tahap penciptaan produk awal pengujian lapangan awal dengan cara melakukan tinjauan para ahli mengenai produk yang didesain baik dalam hal modul bahan ajarnya, revisi produk awal. Pengembangan modul ini berdasarkan kelayakan isi, penyajian, dan Bahasa oleh validator ahli. Uji validitas yang dilakukan adalah validasi isi, penyajian, dan Bahasa modul kemudian direvisi dan diimplementasikan pada mahasiswa program studi Teknik Informatika. High order thinking skills (HOTS) mahasiswa dianalisi dengan uji parametrik dengan uji t test menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil dari Penelitian ini yaitu: (1) kelayakan pengembangan modul statistika berbasis QR Code dikategorikan baik; (2) higher order thinking skill (HOTS) mahasiswa meningkat; (3) dari empat Aspek higher order thinking skill (HOTS) kemampuan logika dan penalaran mengalami peningkatan tinggi diikuti kemampuan analisis, kemampuan evaluasi, dan kemampuan kreasi.
This study aims to develop a qr code-based statistics module and train students' high order thinking skills. The research design is in the form of development research with the A-D-D-D-I-E model, namely observation and data collection, product development planning, the initial product creation stage, initial field testing by conducting expert reviews of well-designed products in terms of teaching material modules, initial product revisions. The development of this module is based on the feasibility of content, presentation, and language by expert validators. The validity test carried out was the validation of the content, presentation, and language of the module which was then revised and implemented in students of the Informatics Engineering study program. Students' high order thinking skills (HOTS) were analyzed with a parametric test with a t test using SPSS software. The results of this study are: (1) the feasibility of developing a statistics module based on QR Code is categorized as good; (2) the students' higher order thinking skills (HOTS) increased; (3) out of the four aspects of higher order thinking skill (HOTS), logic and reasoning skills experienced a high increase followed by analytical skills, evaluation abilities, and creative abilities.