Abstract A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model for the pressure vessel of the evolutionary pressurized reactor (EPR™) was developed and validated. The aim of this model is the simulation of transients where three-dimensional effects play a strong role, such as boron dilution and main steam line break (MSLB) scenarios. First, a full solid (CAD) model has been built, that includes all details of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and the internals which are important for fluid dynamic analyses. The solid model has then been used as basis for the generation of the computational mesh necessary to carry out CFD simulations. Both a hexahedral and a polyhedral mesh have been created. The CFD model has been validated against experimental results of the JULIETTE facility, a 1:5 scaled mock-up of the EPR™ reactor RPV built by AREVA and equipped with advanced instrumentation. The performances of the hexahedral and the polyhedral meshes are investigated in relation to the agreement with experimental data, convergence and CPU requirements. In addition, the effect of the cold-leg swirls on the velocity field inside the RPV is investigated. These swirls mimic the effects of the main coolant recirculation pumps on the flow field at the entrance of the RPV. It is shown that the CFD model is able to capture the shift of the maximum velocity in the downcomer annulus observed in the experimental results. Good qualitative as well as quantitative agreement with the experimental data is achieved.
Hernan Tinoco.
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