Human-Information Interaction and Technical Communication: Concepts and Frameworks

This work, one more title under the label of “Premier Reference Source” from IGI Global, comprises 14 chapters. Chapter One – Introduction This chapter introduces the topic – What content to include? Which design should be chosen in order to communicate certain content? As the author states, “this books works to develop a coherent presentation of human-information interaction (HII)”. Moreover, the “goal of this book is to help design teams bring [a certain number of] considerations into the design process and to improve HII”. Although the reader is able to follow the general argument, sometimes an additional effort is needed to follow the details of the message since the writing style is not always straightforward and clear. The reader would also expect that in the introduction the author explains and justifies the structure of the book but this does not happen. Chapter Two – Information in the situation – This chapter concentrates on the issues of the information in the situation before it gets mentally processed. Usually an abstract is a summary of what the reader can find in the development of the text, whether it is an article, a book or a chapter. However, like in chapter one, reading the abstract is not enough to have a clear picture about the content of the whole chapter. Anyway, the first lines of the chapter state “This part of the book considers the information as it exists in the world. It presents Human-Information Interaction and Technical Communication: Concepts and Frameworks