Theidea ofthis research iscreation ofamegaprogrammable interactive robotic surface, dynamically responsive three dimensional surface that configures inreal-time according toinput fromavariety ofinput sources (movements sensors, sound signals, video signals, maths data generated within thecontroller etc). Assuch, itcan bethought ofasathree-dimensional surface orscreen, butonethat canbeattuned toits surrounding environment, creating thepotential foraphysically responsive surface which hasalso attracted theattention ofinnovative archi- tects forits useinvarious architectural structures. Itmayalso beusedtodisplay text orimages, responding rapidly enough tobeable tomapthemovements andsounds ofpeople. Therefore, itcanfunction alternately asatactile mirror, aninformation surface oramulti cavity mould. This talk will focus onthesystem design andnovel control architecture that enables large numbers ofpneumatic cylinders tobecontrolled inahighly coordinated manner to create complex 3Dshapes. This system isreferred toasamegaprogrammable interactive robotic surface (AMPIRS) similar tohundreds orthousands ofStuart platforms working together tocreate asingle large complex surface. Biography: Saeid Nahavandi isAlfred Dealkin Professor atDeakin University, Australia. Hereceived BSc(Hons), MScandaPhDinControl andAutomation fromDurhamUniversity (UK). HeisaFellow memberofIET, IEAust andsenior memberofIEEE.In1991hejoined MasseyUniversity (NZ)wherehetaught andledresearch in robotics andIntelligent Systems. In1998hejoined Dealkin University andnowholds theChair inEngineering. Professor Nahavandi haspublished over350refereed papers andbeenawarded 13competitive Australian Re- search Council (ARC) grants andseveral industbased awards toatotal sumof$14Minthepast sixyears. He received theResearch collaboration /initiatives award fromJapan (2000) andPrince & Princess ofWalesScience Awardin1994. Hewonthetitle ofYoungEngineer oftheYearAwardin1996andholds four patents. In2002 Professor Nahavandi served asaconsultant toJetPropulsion Lab(NASA) during hisvisit toJPLLabs. In2006he received thetitle ofAlfred Deakin Professor, thehighest honour atDeakin University forhiscontribution to fundamental research. Professor Nahavandi isthefounder andtheDirector fortheCentre forIntelligent Systems Research with53full timeresearchers atDeakin University. Forhisexpertise andcontribution inmodelling, robotics andcounter terrorism hewasselected bytheAustralian Army/DSTOtodeliver aHaptically Operated Counterexplosive mobile Platform in2006.Healso holds aresearch project withtheJoint Strike Force(F-35) developing haptics andAugmented Reality. Professor Nahavandi hasbeenthechairman ofsixInternational conferences andtheGeneral Chair forWorld Manufacturing Congress series andtheInternational Congress onAutonomous Intelligent Systems. Healso holds theposition ofEditor fortheInternational Journal Intelligent Automation andSoftComputing (South Pacific region), International Journal ofComputational Intelligence andAssociate Editor -IEEESystems Journal.