Remote Qualification of HLS and WPS Systems in the LHC Tunnel
The position of the inner triplets of the LHC is monitored using Hydrostatic Levelling System (HLS) and Wire Positioning System (WPS). A regulation of these systems is needed to guarantee the sensors’ function. Such a regulation was done in-situ up to now, but the level of residual radiation at the level of the inner triplets will significantly increase with the next steps of LHC operation. Two systems have been designed to perform such a remote qualification: a filling/purging system for the HLS system and a wire displacer system for the WPS. In the paper, the requirements and the solutions proposed are described, with the emphasis on the conceptual design and the results obtained. Presented at: International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, IWAA2014, 13-17 October 2014, IHEP, Beijing, P.R. China Geneva, Switzerland July, 2015 REMOTE QUALIFICATION OF HLS AND WPS SYSTEMS IN THE LHC TUNNEL H. Mainaud Durand, A. Herty, A. Marin, M. Rousseau, M. Sosin, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland