On unique factorization domains

where u is a unit and p1, p2,. . . ,pk are primes in R. Note that the factorization is essentially unique (by the same argument used to prove uniqueness of factorization in PIDs). Note also that if R is a UFD, any finite collection a1, . . . , an ∈ R has a highest common factor. For we can take out prime factors until we write ai = rbi where the b1, . . . , bn have no proper factors in common. Then r is the (unique up to units) highest common factor. We write r = hcf(a1, . . . , an), but note that unless R is a PID we will not in general have r = λ1a1 + . . . + λnan for λi ∈ R. Observe that if R is an integral domain then R is a UFD iff it satisfies the following condition: