Photoperiodism in Plants

Introduction. Photoperiodic Control of Flower Initiation: A General Outline. Photoperiodic Timekeeping. Photoperiodic Photoreceptors. Day-Length Perception in Short-Day Plants. Day-Length Perception in Long-Day Plants. The Physiology of Photoperiodic Floral Induction. The Nature and Identity of Photoperiodic Signals. Biochemical and Molecular Aspects of Photoperiodism. Genetic Approaches to Photoperiodism. Photoperiodic Control of Development: Floral Expression. Dormancy in Woody Plants. Vegetative Propagation. Other Effects of Day-Length. Appendix 1: Photoperiodic Classification of Plants. Appendix 2: Effects of Day-Length on the Content of Endogenous Growth Substances.