Free radical generation at the solid/liquid interface in iron containing minerals.

The potential for free radical release has been measured by means of the spin trapping technique on three kinds of iron containing particulate: two asbestos fibers (chrysotile and crocidolite); an iron-exchanged zeolite and two iron oxides (magnetite and haematite). DMPO (5,5'-dimethyl-1-pirroline-N-oxide), used as spin trap in aqueous suspensions of the solids, reveals the presence of the hydroxyl and carboxylate radicals giving rise respectively to the two adducts [DMPO-OH] and [DMPO-CO2], each characterized by a well-defined EPR spectrum. Two target molecules have been considered: the formate ion to evidence potential for hydrogen abstraction in any biological compartment and hydrogen peroxide, always present in the phagosome during phagocytosis. The kinetics of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide has also been measured on all solids. Ferrozine and desferrioxamine, specific chelators of Fe(II) and Fe(III) respectively, have been used to remove selectively iron ions. Iron is implicated in free radical release but the amount of iron at the surface is unrelated to the amount of radicals formed. Only few surface ions in a particular redox and coordination state are active. Three different kinds of sites have been evidenced: one acting as H abstracter, the other as a heterogeneous catalyst for hydroxyl radical release, the third one related to catalysis of hydrogen peroxide disproportionation. In both mechanisms of free radical release, the Fe-exchanged zeolite mimics the behaviour of asbestos whereas the two oxides are mostly inert. Conversely magnetite turns out to be an excellent catalyst for hydrogen peroxide disproportionation while haematite is inactive also in this reaction. The results agree with the implication of a radicalic mechanism in the in vitro DNA damage and in the in vivo toxicity of asbestos.

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