Nitrate pollution of groundwater in western Europe

In groundwater recharge areas with large portions of agricultural land, the nitrate concentration of well water has shown rising trends in many countries within the last 2–3 decades. Nitrate leaching from agricultural land must be considered as an important non-points source for nitrate contamination of the groundwater. In the humid regions of Europe, nitrate leaching takes place mainly during autumn, winter and early spring. Site- and land-use-specific data for the mean nitrate N concentration of the annual groundwater recharge show rather high concentrations for sandy soils with arable crops, intensively managed grazed grassland and field cropping of vegetables. These concentrations can exceed the European drinking water limit of 11.3 mg nitrate N l−1 (=50 mg nitrate l−1) by a factor of between 2 and >4. Moreover, conversion of permanent grassland to arable land causes strongly enhanced nitrate leaching for a limited time period. To reduce the nitrate load of groundwater it is very important to minimize the residual nitrate content in the root zone at harvest time, to preserve the nitrate during the main leaching period in the form of biologically fixed plant N within the N cycle and to minimize the nitrate input of the total recharge area of a groundwater well (by enlarging areas with low nitrate inputs at the expense of areas with high nitrate inputs). Results of a closer coordination of fertilizing with the N supply of the soil (nitrate in the root zone in spring, N mineralization) and of cropping of winter catch crops are shown. The site- and time-specific nitrate leaching risk during the leaching period is quantified. Nitrate losses by microbial denitrification in the grsundwater can play an important role. Quantitative understanding of the complex processes determining the final nitrate concentration of a groundwater well is crucial. All agricultural and groundwater management measures should be applied to secure a sufficient water quality.

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