Phase Polymorphism of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Abstract Six solid phases of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transitions were found between the following solid phases: stable KIc ↔ stable KIb at TC5 = 225 K, metastable KIII ↔ metastable KII at TC4 = 322 K, stable KIb ↔ stable KIa at TC3 = 365 K, metastable KII↔overcooled K0 at TC2 = 376 K and stable KIa→stable K0 at TC1 = 379 K. The title compound melts at Tm = 488 K.