5 – Nonstockpile program
Publisher Summary
This chapter focuses on certain chemical munitions, materiel, and facilities that are not specifically included in the U.S. stockpile of unitary chemical weapons. These items are referred to as nonstockpile chemical warfare materiel and consist of binary chemical weapons, miscellaneous chemical warfare materiel, recovered chemical weapons, former chemical weapon production facilities, and buried chemical warfare materiel. Whenever possible, the Army plans to dispose of nonstockpile chemical materiel on-site. However, there may be occasions when it is not feasible or practical for the Army to do so, and transportation to another disposal location may be required. The factors that the Army considers are population proximity and density, chemical weapon type, condition of the munitions, and public safety and environmental policies. The nonstockpile disposal program is vulnerable to change because it depends on disposal methods and destruction rates that have not yet been demonstrated.