Actinomycosis of parotid gland after maxillary molar extraction, case report and review of literature

Although actinomycosis is frequently seen in the cervicofacial region, it is very rare in the parotid gland. Furthermore, it can be confused with salivary gland malignancies in imaging. The most important underlying causes are cervicofacial trauma, tooth extraction history and poor oral hygiene. A 43-year-old male patient was admitted to otorhinolaryngology department with a complaint of progressive swelling on his cheek. The histopathological examination of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy showed acute suppurative polymorphous leukocytes and actinomycese hyphae balls within histiocytes. The patient was started on amoxicillin 2 gm per day for two months. With antibiotherapy, the swelling in the patient's parotid gland decreased and completely healed at the end of six months. Primary parotid actinomycosis has been rarely reported in the literature, differential diagnosis is usually problematic as both clinical and radiological findings may mimic parotid tumour; however, it can be useful to apply FNA cytology for a quick diagnosis and treatment.

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