Arterial blood ketone body ratio was measured after orthotopic liver transplantation in piglets. Ketone body ratio immediately decreased at the beginning of the anhepatic phase and was rapidly restored to the normal levels within 30 min after the revascularization of the allograft. Serum lactate and pyruvate levels increased in anhepatic phase and gradually decreased after revascularization. Changes in the lactate and pyruvate levels were always preceded by changes in ketone body ratio. In the case of transplantation after 12-hr-preservation of the allograft, ketone body ratio failed to maintain normal levels after transplantation, resulting in a high mortality. It is suggested that the elevation of decreased ketone body ratio is prerequisite for the normalization of the deranged metabolic state after liver transplantation, and that ketone body ratio provides an accurate means to assess the initial metabolic function of the allograft.