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Bailey | Claude | Piers | James | Wayne | Daniel | Christopher | Andrew | Ronald | Steven | Aaron | Joseph | Craig | Thomas | Charles | Neil | Allen | Warren | William | Kenneth | Anthony | Harvey | Mary | Aldrich | Walter | Glenn | Janet | Stephen | Frank | Douglas | Larry | Judith | Ted | Donald | Kathleen | Bennett | Giorgio | York | Cynthia | Blank | Jr. | Archibald | Farley | Gary | Reynolds | U. | Kaplan | Paula | Clifford | Randall | Baker | Calhoun | Howard | Karl | Burstein | Archer | Durkin | Anderton | Cohen | Hagstrom | Ñ. | T. | Š. | D. | R. | C. Clogg | Ľ. | I.. | Jere M. Cohen | M. | Collins | D. Vaus | J. Gibbs | Robert | Lauren | Mark | A. Gillis | J. Bergesen | Greg | Richard | Colin | J. | Michael | David | Albert | Bielby | Lewis | Black | Blau | Bosk | Galaskiewicz | Herbert | Duncan | Norval | J. Hagan | Herrick | B. Edelman | Rébecca | Deirdre | Paul | Lawrence | Edna | Crittenden | Margaret | Wendy | Epstein | Grimshaw | Terence | Linda | D. John | H. John | Jennifer | Marie | F. | Clément | Astone | Arlene | Élisabeth | N. Demerath | Camerer | Fernández | Firebaugh | Clemens | Nan | Berger | Barrett | Joy Charlton | Viktor | Hamilton | Adam | Daniels | Glass | Dan | E. John | Espeland | Grant | Gottdiener | Baldwin | G. Bunker | F. | Rosemary | Hannan | Rémi | Gurr | Blake | J. Antônio | Roberto | Bryk | Wallace | Baron | Chapman | Gillmore | Bertram | Gartner | A. Davis | Fuchs | Edwin | Amenta | Chirot | Clawson | Eliot. | Freidson | Gamoran | Boden | Bonacich | DiPrete | Barfield | Cohler | Girard | Haller | A. Cóser | Coatsworth | Furstenberg | E. | Beirne | Abbott | ABU-LUGHOD | Camic | Featherman | R. Carroll | L. Alexander | A. Fine | Choldin | S. Fischer | V. Cicourel | Freudenburg | P. Clignet | Gagliani | Ira Cohen | S. Becker | Gecas | Gereffi | B. Cornfield | A. Berk | L. Costner | R. Gove | J. Dimaggio | J. Griffin | Bradshaw | Brain | C. Dubin | Grusky | Breslau | J. Duncan | P. Bridges | Starkey | Gusfield | G. Brint | S. Hachen | J. Brody | Emigh | S. England | Burawoy | C. Halliday | J. Bursik | York | Déirdre | I. Cohen

[1]  Reeve D. Vanneman,et al.  The American Perception of Class , 2018 .

[2]  A. Murphy Where the Dove Calls: The Political Ecology of a Peasant Corporate Community in Northwestern Mexico , 1991 .

[3]  Thomas J. Archdeacon,et al.  American Immigrant Leaders, 1800-1910: Marginality and Identity. , 1991 .

[4]  Jennifer Platt,et al.  Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School , 1990 .

[5]  Joyce Rothschild,et al.  The cooperative workplace : potentials and dilemmas of organizational democracy and participation , 1990 .

[6]  Frank S. Seever : Professionalism and Social Change: From Settlement House Movement to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present , 1990 .

[7]  L. Binford Return to Aztlan: The Social Process of International Migration from Western Mexico:Return to Aztlan: The Social Process of International Migration from Western Mexico. , 1989 .

[8]  S. D. Berkowitz,et al.  Social Structures: A Network Approach , 1989 .

[9]  Glenn C. Altschuler Paupers and Poor Relief in New York City and Its Rural Environs, 1700–1830. By Robert Cray (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988. xii plus 269 pp. $34.95) , 1989 .

[10]  Lawrence S. Root : The Responsive Workplace: Employers and a Changing Labor Force , 1989 .

[11]  M. Westphal Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason , 1989 .

[12]  B. Simon,et al.  The rise of the modern educational system : structural change and social reproduction, 1870-1920 , 1989 .

[13]  M. Hogg,et al.  Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory. , 1989 .

[14]  Robert J. Wuthnow The restructuring of American religion : society and faith since World War II , 1989 .

[15]  B. Risman Money in the Family: Financial Organisation and Women's Responsibilities.Gail Wilson , 1989 .

[16]  H. Molotch Community Capitalism: Banking Strategies and Economic Development.Richard P. Taub , 1989 .

[17]  Heather Munro Prescott,et al.  Able-bodied womanhood: personal health and social change in nineteenth-century Boston , 1989, Medical History.

[18]  S. Ringen The Possibility of Politics: A Study in the Political Economy of the Welfare State , 1989 .

[19]  T. Cole The Transformation of Old Age Security: Class and Politics in the American Welfare State. By Jill Quadagno. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. xiii + 253 pp. $27.50.) , 1989 .

[20]  Lester D. Langley,et al.  "Let all of them Take Heed": Mexican Americans and the Campaign for Educational Equality in Texas, 1910-1981. , 1989 .

[21]  Geoffrey Parker,et al.  The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500–1800 by Geoffrey Parker (review) , 1989, Technology and Culture.

[22]  D. Westney,et al.  Imitation and innovation : the transfer of Western organizational patterns to Meiji Japan , 1989 .

[23]  L. Aday Hidden Arguments: Political Ideology and Disease Prevention Policy , 1989 .

[24]  D. Paul Race, hygiene and national efficiency: the eugenics of Wilhelm Schallmayer , 1989, Medical History.

[25]  S. Mintz,et al.  Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life , 1988 .

[26]  M. Abrahamson,et al.  Principles of Group Solidarity. , 1988 .

[27]  M. Buckley The politics of sociology in the Soviet Union , 1988 .

[28]  R. Milkman,et al.  Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Job Segregation by Sex during World War II , 1986 .

[29]  S. George Changing boundaries of the political: essays on the evolving balance between the state and society, public and private in Europe , 1988 .

[30]  M. Maurice,et al.  The social foundations of industrial power : a comparison of France and Germany , 1988 .

[31]  L. Kramer,et al.  Music as Cultural Practice, 1800-1900@@@Music and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance, and Reception , 1988 .

[32]  George N. Katsiaficas,et al.  The Imagination of the New Left: A Global Analysis of 1968@@@Nineteen Sixty-Eight: A Personal Report , 1988 .

[33]  Melvin Pollner,et al.  Mundane Reason: Reality in Everyday and Sociological Discourse , 1988 .

[34]  C. Goldscheider Jewish Continuity and Change: Emerging Patterns in America , 1988 .

[35]  B. Carruthers From Manor to Market: Structural Change in England, 1536-1640, by Richard Lachmann , 1988 .

[36]  J. Gillis Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780-1850.Leonore Davidoff , Catherine Hall , 1988 .

[37]  Ron Ramdin The Making of the Black Working Class in Britain , 1988 .

[38]  Rick Fantasia,et al.  Cultures of Solidarity: Consciousness, Action, and Contemporary American Workers , 1988 .

[39]  I. Epstein,et al.  China Reporting: An Oral History of American Journalism in the 1930s and 1940s , 1988 .

[40]  Ellen Israel Rosen,et al.  Bitter Choices: Blue-Collar Women in and out of Work , 1988 .

[41]  S. Mcnall The Road to Rebellion: Class Formation and Kansas Populism, 1865-1900 , 1988 .

[42]  M. Goldfield,et al.  The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States , 1988, American Political Science Review.

[43]  M. Agar Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative , 1988 .

[44]  R. Fenn,et al.  The Spirit of Revolt: Anarchism and the Cult of Authority , 1988, American Political Science Review.

[45]  E. Tiryakian,et al.  The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History, 1740-1830 , 1988 .

[46]  Andrew G. Walder,et al.  Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry , 1988 .

[47]  Nigel Young,et al.  Campaigns for Peace: British Peace Movements in the Twentieth Century , 1988 .

[48]  S. R. Watson,et al.  Decision Synthesis: The Principles and Practice of Decision Analysis@@@Strategic and Tactical Decisions , 1989 .

[49]  P. Hall,et al.  Governing the economy : the politics of state intervention in Britain and France , 1988 .

[50]  S. Dubin Bureaucratizing the Muse: Public Funds and the Cultural Worker , 1988 .

[51]  Ronald Dore,et al.  Taking Japan Seriously: A Confucian Perspective on Leading Economic Issues , 1988 .

[52]  M. Sobel The World They Made Together: Black and White Values in Eighteenth-Century Virginia , 1988 .

[53]  W. Wilson,et al.  The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, The Underclass, and Public Policy. , 1988 .

[54]  J. Diiulio,et al.  Governing Prisons: A Comparative Study of Correctional Management. , 1987 .

[55]  Lisa J. McIntyre The Public Defender: The Practice of Law in the Shadows of Repute , 1987 .

[56]  Gregory D. Squires,et al.  Chicago: Race, Class, and the Response to Urban Decline , 1987 .

[57]  Graham S. Lowe,et al.  Women in the Administrative Revolution: The Feminization of Clerical Work , 1987 .

[58]  S. M. Miller,et al.  Dollars and Dreams: The Changing American Income Distribution. , 1987 .

[59]  D. Levine Reproducing Families: The Political Economy of English Population History , 1987 .

[60]  Elizabeth Hodes,et al.  Beyond the Laboratory: Scientists as Political Activists in 1930s America by Peter J. Kuznick (review) , 1987, Technology and Culture.

[61]  John Knodel,et al.  Thailand's Reproductive Revolution: Rapid Fertility Decline in a Third World Setting , 1987 .

[62]  Douglas Harper,et al.  Working Knowledge: Skill and Community in a Small Shop , 1987 .

[63]  W. Wiegand : Professional Powers: A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal Knowledge , 1987 .

[64]  Maren Stange,et al.  Official Images: New Deal Photography , 1987 .

[65]  T. V. Dijk,et al.  Communicating Racism: Ethnic Prejudice in Thought and Talk , 1987 .

[66]  M. Gould,et al.  Revolution in the Development of Capitalism: The Coming of the English Revolution , 1987 .

[67]  Harry Rand,et al.  The Arts at Black Mountain College , 1987 .

[68]  James R. Bennett,et al.  Policy-Planning Organizations: Elite Agendas and America's Rightward Turn@@@The Politics of Miseducation: The Booker Washington Institute of Liberia, 1919-1984 , 1987 .

[69]  Frederic C. Deyo,et al.  The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism ed. by Frederic C. Deyo (review) , 1987, Asian Perspective.

[70]  T. Mizrahi,et al.  Getting rid of patients : contradictions in the socialization of physicians , 1987 .

[71]  S. Marston For Bread with Butter: Life-Worlds of East Central Europeans in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 1890–1940, Ewa Morawska. Cambridge University Press, New York (1985), xvii, +429. $39.50 , 1987 .

[72]  P. Kasinitz Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes to America , 1986, Télos.

[73]  D. Thelen,et al.  Paths of Resistance: Tradition and Dignity in Industrializing Missouri , 1986 .

[74]  E. Rochberg-Halton,et al.  Meaning and Modernity: Social Theory in the Pragmatic Attitude , 1988 .

[75]  Roger L. Hewitt White Talk, Black Talk: Inter-racial Friendship and Communication amongst Adolescents , 1986 .

[76]  M. Weinberg Because They Were Jews: A History of Antisemitism , 1986 .

[77]  Ian Roxborough,et al.  The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam , 1986 .

[78]  Philippe Daudi,et al.  Power in the Organisation: The Discourse of Power in Managerial Praxis , 1986 .

[79]  A. Markovits,et al.  The Politics of the West German Trade Unions: Strategies of Class and Interest Representation in Growth and Crisis , 1986 .

[80]  G. Goodell The Elementary Structures of Political Life: Rural Development in Pahlavi Iran , 1986 .

[81]  D. Macrae Policy Indicators: Links Between Social Science and Public Debate , 1986 .

[82]  Aldon D Morris,et al.  Paradoxes of Protest: Black Student Activism in a White University. , 1986 .

[83]  J. Riley Population Thought in the Age of the Demographic Revolution , 1986 .

[84]  Eric Livingston,et al.  The Ethnomethodological Foundations of Mathematics , 1986 .

[85]  J. O'Neill Five Bodies: The Human Shape of Modern Society , 1985 .

[86]  M. Schlossberg Elites and the Idea of Equality: A Comparison of Japan, Sweden, and the United States. , 1990 .

[87]  Houghton Mifflin,et al.  Invisible Careers: Women Civic Leaders from the Volunteer World. , 1989 .

[88]  B. Elliott,et al.  The Political Economy of Place , 1989 .

[89]  S. Witter Inside Nazi Germany: conformity, opposition and racism in everyday life , 1988 .

[90]  J. Macleod,et al.  Ain't no makin' it: Leveled aspirations in a low-income neighborhood , 1987 .

[91]  B. Turner,et al.  Medical power and social knowledge , 1987 .

[92]  P. Wexler Social analysis of education , 1987 .

[93]  E. Suleiman Private Power and Centralization in France: The Notaires and the State , 1987 .

[94]  Danny Miller Material Culture and Mass Consumption , 1987 .

[95]  L. Cuba Identity and Community on the Alaskan Frontier , 1987 .

[96]  A. Heitlinger Reproduction, medicine, and the socialist state , 1987 .

[97]  S. Eisenstadt,et al.  Society, Culture, And Urbanization , 1987 .

[98]  H. Whitehead Renunciation And Reformulation: A Study Of Conversion In An American Sect , 1987 .

[99]  B. Williams Black Workers in an Industrial Suburb: The Struggle Against Discrimination , 1987 .

[100]  J. Harvey Uncoupling: Turning Points in Intimate Relationships. , 1987 .

[101]  Raymonde Moulin The French Art Market: A Sociological View , 1987 .

[102]  Dick Hebdige Cut `n' Mix: Culture, Identity and Caribbean Music , 1987 .

[103]  Anselm L. Strauss,et al.  Qualitative Analysis For Social Scientists , 1987 .

[104]  C. Warren Madwives: Schizophrenic Women in the 1950s , 1987 .

[105]  S. Iyengar,et al.  News That Matters: Television and American Opinion , 1987 .

[106]  A. R. Mahoney Juvenile justice in context , 1987 .

[107]  Brian Fay,et al.  Critical Social Science: Liberation and Its Limits , 1987 .

[108]  Adina Back Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World , 1987 .

[109]  S. Walby Patriarchy at Work: Patriarchal and Capitalist Relations in Employment , 1986 .

[110]  Ronald M. Glassman Democracy and Despotism in Primitive Societies: A Neo-Weberian Approach to Political Theory , 1986 .

[111]  D. Rueschemeyer Power and the division of labour , 1986 .

[112]  Joanne M. Nigg,et al.  Waiting for Disaster: Earthquake Watch in California , 1986 .

[113]  J. Imber Abortion and the private practice of medicine , 1986 .

[114]  M. Westkott The feminist legacy of Karen Horney , 1986 .

[115]  K. O. See First world nationalisms: Class and ethnic politics in Northern Ireland and Quebec , 1986 .

[116]  James R. Davis,et al.  The Politics of Victimization: Victims, Victimology, and Human Rights , 1986 .

[117]  A. Shuman,et al.  Storytelling Rights: The Uses of Oral and Written Texts by Urban Adolescents , 1986 .

[118]  Baruch Kimmerling,et al.  The Interrupted System: Israeli Civilians in War and Routine Times , 1985 .