Exploiting Unsupervised Inputs for Accurate Few-Shot Classification

In few-shot classification, the aim is to learn models able to discriminate classes with only a small number of labelled examples. Most of the literature considers the problem of labelling a single unknown input at a time. Instead, it can be beneficial to consider a setting where a batch of unlabelled inputs are treated conjointly and non-independently. In this paper, we propose a method able to exploit three levels of information: a) feature extractors pretrained on generic datasets, b) few labelled examples of classes to discriminate and c) other available unlabelled inputs. If for a), we use state-of-the-art approaches, we introduce the use of simplified graph convolutions to perform b) and c) together. Our proposed model reaches state-of-the-art accuracy with a $6-11\%$ increase compared to available alternatives on standard few-shot vision classification datasets.

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