Genetic algorithm in the structural design of Cooke triplet lenses

This paper is in tune with our efforts to develop a systematic method for multicomponent lens design. Our aim is to find a suitable starting point in the final configuration space, so that popular local search methods like damped least squares (DLS) may directly lead to a useful solution. For 'ab initio' design problems, a thin lens layout specifying the powers of the individual components and the intercomponent separations are worked out analytically. Requirements of central aberration targets for the individual components in order to satisfy the prespecified primary aberration targets for the overall system are then determined by nonlinear optimization. The next step involves structural design of the individual components by optimization techniques. This general method may be adapted for the design of triplets and their derivatives. However, for the thin lens design of a Cooke triplet composed of three airspaced singlets, the two steps of optimization mentioned above may be combined into a single optimization procedure. The optimum configuration for each of the single set, catering to the required Gaussian specification and primary aberration targets for the Cooke triplet, are determined by an application of genetic algorithm (GA). Our implementation of this algorithm is based on simulations of some complex tools of natural evolution, like selection, crossover and mutation. Our version of GA may or may not converge to a unique optimum, depending on some of the algorithm specific parameter values. With our algorithm, practically useful solutions are always available, although convergence to a global optimum can not be guaranteed. This is perfectly in keeping with our need to allow 'floating' of aberration targets in the subproblem level. Some numerical results dealing with our preliminary investigations on this problem are presented.