Long exposure point spread function estimation from adaptive optics loop data: validation and results

Adaptive Optics systems have revolutionized ground based astronomy by providing real time correction for atmospheric aberrations. However, due to limited temporal and spatial bandwidth the correction provided is not perfect. With knowledge of the Point Spread Function correction can be further improved. The lack of point sources in Solar observations makes a direct measurement of the PSF impossible. We present a method to obtain a PSF estimate from the Adaptive Optics system loop telemetry. Using this method we can obtain a PSF for each captured AO corrected image and correct each image individually. We applied this method to a long time series of Solar data obtaining satisfactory results. Also in an attempt to validate this method we successfully observed the star Sirius with the Dunn Solar Telescope. The AO corrected star images provide a direct measurement of the PSF that can be compared to our estimates obtained from the AO telemetry data.